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The herpes virus has been tormenting the world since time immemorial. It is indeed a scourge as it has no known herpes cure. Becuase herpes withdraws and hides in the nerves between outbreaks (it then lies dormant), it is virtually impossible for your body to fight it.

Herpes is proving to be so difficult to find a cure because between outbreaks it hides in the nerve endings in your body in what is known as the dormant phase.

A Cure for herpes Research

We know there is no herpes cure available, there are medications that can help suppress the herpes virus and also natural creams and lotions that will kill the virus on contact

The simple fact that herpes is a virus makes it so hard to find a herpes cure. As a rule the immune sustem will deal with and destroy any viruses it finds but that fact that the herpes virus hides itself so well in the nerves when in the dormant phase makes finding a herpes cure a more difficult task.

Herpes Cure Medicines

Medication is currently the only solution that we have for herpes. Antiviral medication can sometimes suppress the herpes outbreaks (but not cure herepes) and (sometimes) keeps the condition dormant. However varying levels of stress can still cause the virus to come out of the dormant stage. As of now there are no approved herpes vaccinations; however scientists are testing vaccinations on willing participants.

Prevention won't cure herpes, but...

When considering this situation one must remember that there are precautions that people can use as to avoid contact with the herpes virus. When having sex, one must make sure that protection is used. This is not a definite way to prevent catching the virus, but it greatly reduces the risk.

Sexual activity of an oral nature will also spread the herpes virus. Using protection will prevent the spread of herpes in this manner. It is simple to do and whilst it is not a herpes cure, it will at least prevent you from contracting or spreading the herpes virus

Refraining from having any sexual contact with another is the only sure way to avoid herpes infections.